JunEn Low

Contact Info:

Email: jelow@stanford.edu

Office: Durand 028

JunEn Low

Position: PhD Candidate

Focus: Online Constrained Trajectory Optimization


JunEn Low is a graduate student in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. He received his B.Eng from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) in 2015 where he worked on the dynamic modelling and control of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). After graduating he worked for 2 years as a researcher where he designed the Transformable HOvering Rotorcraft (THOR), a hybrid UAV that can hover like a monocopter and cruise like a fixed-wing.

JunEn’s current research interests are focused on trajectory planning for aerial graspers.

Contact Info:

Email: jelow@stanford.edu

Office: Durand 028