Office: Durand 028
Personal Website: David Fridovich-Keil
Github: dfridovi
Position: Lab Alumnus
Focus: Game-theoretic planning, safe control systems
David received his PhD at UC Berkeley, where he worked on autonomous robotics and optimal control, and was advised by Prof. Claire Tomlin in the Hybrid Systems Lab and was a member of the Berkeley AI Research lab. During his PhD, David was supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. David did a short postdoc in the same group, and is now a postdoc in the MSL. David is excited to be joining the faculty of UT Austin’s Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics in August 2021.
Outside of research, David likes to play squash and frisbee, read fantasy novels, and play acoustic guitar.
Office: Durand 028
Personal Website: David Fridovich-Keil
Github: dfridovi